I have been tagged by Martha Marshall to share five unusual (as if y'all really needed a list when you could just read my blog to gauge my level of weirdness LOL!) things about myself. I don't do too many of these, but since Martha keeps one of my fave blogs...I'm game.
The rules of the game are:
List 5 unusual things about yourself.
Put a link in your post to the person who tagged you.
Tag 5 (or 2 or none, whatever, my rule LOL) other bloggers at the end of your post and comment on their blogs to let them know.
Let the tagger (me) know when you have posted your list.
Five unusual things about me:
1) I often read magazines back to front.
2) I like to eat chili with fresh bagels ( garlic or onion ). I've been told it's weird, I don't know.
3) During college, I worked in NYC night clubs as a Cigarette Girl (yes, I said girl).
4) I can savor (some would say gnaw like a dog) a steak bone long after the meat is gone, which is why I seldom order stake while dining out. It shatters my lady-like public image. I will also eat the tip of a turkey wing (bone included) if it's super-crispy. Yum!
5) I think big noses are super sexy. Not WC Fields big round puffy ones though.
I hereby shall tag:
Dave of A Visual Guide to Feeling Good and his brother Dan of Cosmocto. These guys make some awesome art and should really post more often in their blogs (hint! hint!). Check them out and tell them so!
Robin of Grammercy Digital Diary
and Antonio Capurro (all the way down in Peru!).