Our Vegas trip was great fun. Ron had a conference to attend there this past Monday. As his "Trophy Wife", I got to tag along. The company flew us there on Friday morning so we could enjoy the weekend leading up to his conference, a generous
(and much-appreciated) gesture on their part.
Due to a scheduling mix-up we had to split our stay between two hotels. We first checked into South Point, which is a perfectly lovely resort but a bit off the Strip
(a $56 round trip cab ride away to be precise) and better suited for families. The pool area was wall to wall screaming children. Not that I have anything against snotty brats and rugrats, I just don't care to share my Vegas experience with them. You don't see me drinking and gambling at Disney World.

Being the classy guy I am I immediately stole some paper cups from the maid's cart so we could make some Cosmos in our room.

On the second day of our stay we got to "move on up" to the Palazzo.
Oh...Palazzo...how I miss thee. I seriously did not want to leave. We felt like Kings.
OK, OK... King and

Our view went from:


And our makeshift Bathroom Bar graduated from stolen paper cups to:

On Monday I caught an exhibit at the Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art and visited the Chihuly gallery at City Center. I will blog on both in the coming days.
For now...it's back to reality and work.
A few more random Vegas shots:

And perhaps my favorite shot...
Naughty necklaces off a vendor's cart.
It wouldn't be in keeping with my own style,
but I think this image would make a great large-scale painting.